How to do it ?
DDoS attacks are one of the main reasons websites go down, and they can be devastatingly effective and hurt your site’s ability to generate revenue if it goes offline. Fortunately, there are simple steps you can take to protect yourself from DDoS attacks and keep your website from coming to a halt because of them! On this page, we’ll discuss six steps you can take to protect your website from DDoS attacks so you can continue to make money without worrying about downtime or lost customers!
Scan Regularly For Vulnerabilities
It’s a good idea to regularly scan your site for vulnerabilities. There are many free and paid security services like Koddos that can perform regular scans for known vulnerabilities, and it only takes a few minutes of your day. Another good practice is to test the security of your pages using a tool, which gives you step-by-step instructions on how to test the security of your website without creating any damage yourself.
Check Security Certificates Regularly
Before we jump into solutions, let’s talk about why a website may be susceptible to attacks in the first place. A lot of reasons, but one biggie is that it lacks security certificates. Cyber-criminals often use automated processes when they attack websites, so they can easily spot sites that are unprotected—and that’s bad news for your traffic and revenue. To protect yourself from DDoS attacks, check your security certificates regularly.
Change Default Passwords
Default passwords are weak and likely to be guessed, hacked or brute-forced by malicious actors. For protection, make sure that your login credentials aren’t easily guessed by human hackers. You should change default passwords on your routers, phones and other internet-connected devices with unique and secure combinations of numbers, letters and special characters. In addition, switch up user names or logins so even if a hacker guesses your password they won’t have access to sensitive information like email accounts or credit card information.
Use HTTPS Everywhere
The modern web relies on HTTPS for security, but many sites still lack encryption. That’s a problem for everyone—but it can be a really big problem if you run a high-traffic website that receives lots of malicious traffic. If hackers know your site is vulnerable, they might try to overload it with fake requests—known as denial-of-service (or DDoS) attacks.
Enable Caching
Koddos is an example of a company that helps websites by caching static content. This is because these companies have servers that sit between your site and the end user. By sitting in front of your website, they are able to speed up access times and protect against common attacks such as distributed denial of service (DDoS). The trade-off is that you give up some level of control over your site in exchange for faster load times and protection.
Don’t Be Too Trusting
A lot of companies decide that they need to build a website, but they don’t take any steps to protect it once it’s launched. Unfortunately, when a site is unprotected, hackers know that it’s an easy target. One of their favorite methods of attack is a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack: a high volume of traffic directed at one website in order to overload its servers and take it offline.
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